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The History:


At one point, it was state law that the sheriff and their family had to live on the premises of the county jail. The sheriff's residence provided for that. Every county had one and they were connected to the jail in some way. In Belmont County, the residence was in service as that from 1890 until 1976. After that, it became county offices until 1996 when it was vacated. Thankfully a group of preservationists rallied to save the building. The Belmont County Commissioners utilized grant funding from the Ohio Department of Transportation, Economic Development funds, and local funding from the Belmont County Tourism Council to restore the structure. The building is now a museum dedicated to the county's history.




Belmont County was awarded the State Historic Preservation Award “Award of Merit” for the rehabilitation of the 1890 Belmont County Sheriff’s Residence by the Ohio History 2015 State Historic Preservation Office.

The Present:


The Belmont County Heritage Museum is a collection of displays representing the history of Belmont County. The stories of its communities and traditions; its landmarks, industries, businesses, and schools; its triumphs and tragedies; its people and their contributions to the county, state, and country are woven together in a rich tapestry that reflects the resilience and determination of the people of this area.


The Museum tour guides you through eight rooms that allows visitors to step back in time while exploring the county's communities. The museum also hosts meetings and special events. For more information or to plan a visit email

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